The Weak Days: Sewn into History with “The Fabric of Our Lives”


It's Fall 2020. The Autumn air is crisp and cool. Visions of hoodies, caramel macchiatos, and pumpkin spiced election debates dance through your social media feed. The decisions you’ve made and who you’ve chosen to follow have landed you here whether you enjoy the festivities or not.

That is exactly what The Weak Days (“from nowhere” as their Instagram bio reads) are out to depict with their newest release The Fabric of Our Lives. The title of this sweet yet-to-the-point EP originated as a lyric as Dustin, drummer/vocalist of The Weak Days, notes. “It’s a lyric on the record, but also it’s supposed to represent that this character, The Seamstress (brought to life by Jessica Knight of the band Looming), has sewn and formed the decisions you’ve made and the way your life has wound up.”

In a recent email interview with Riot Rage, Dustin spoke of the story behind the new EP as well as the writing process and the band’s picks for favorite song off of the album.

“The writing process was long and slow. What was initially written grew slowly; we realized at some point we had written two separate records in terms of lyrics, so some of the lyrics became this EP and grew from there. The rest became what will be our LP,” Dustin recounts. The Fabric of Our Lives’ single “The Seams,” which features Jessica Knight on vocals, was no exception to this notion.

“This song was originally written in…2016 or so” they say, questioning their recollection of the track. “I revisited it when we started working on this record and solidified the concept moreso, and we realized it would be the lynchpin of the story. We envisioned Jess Knight playing this character (The Seamstress) who spoke the story to the other characters (The Bard and The Botanist) and who was also an interesting break from these two characters talking the whole EP.”

The band mutually agreed the fifth track on the EP, “Til Then,” is what someone who has never listened to The Weak Days should check out despite the success of the single. Dustin, on behalf of the band, stated “It’s most like our old work and also informs the future work.” The Weak Days make some strong arguments, however, on each member’s favorite song off of The Fabric of Our Lives. Dustin chose “No One Lives Forever” with “Your Shoulder” as a close second. RB, bassist/vocalist of The Weak Days, and Alex, guitarist, landed on “Your Shoulder” for a ⅔ majority rule.

“This EP is a fun story, and I hope people like it,” concluded Dustin. In case the idea of a story-based EP laying down a dialogue between three characters seems a little confusing to you, The Weak Days have you covered. “There will be a medium article or something that is a story companion for everyone who doesn't get the book,” they add. The illustrated hard-cover book adaption of The Fabric of Our Lives can be found on the Deep Sea Records’ merch page (the label of which The Weak Days call home).

This ambitious indie band shows no signs of slowing down with this EP release. “We start recording our LP in December which is a story connected to this! I hope everyone comes along on the journey,” says Dustin. The Fabric of Our Lives is out now on all major streaming services.

Written by Dannon Johnson


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